Thursday 21 June 2012

Long Point black flies, and Niagara Falls. ( " We don't have an Ontario flag... " )

Ah Long Point. How lovely  you are, with your white sand beaches, friendly chipmunks, and even friendlier black flies.... Seriously. Black flies.... Lay off already!!! Without the chance happening of us arriving at exactly the height of this annoying fly, we would  perhaps still be lazing about at these gorgeous sandy dunes.... but we have a schedule to keep! Off to Niagara!

 Niagara falls, is an adult and small persons wonderland. Aside from the falls themselves, ( spectacular, impressive, and misty, ) the surrounding strip is something not unlike a small stretch of Vegas. Haunted houses, games, restaurants and gift shops galore. But try and find a sticker of Ontario's provincial flag? As we were told by one gentleman at one gift shop... " We don't have a flag. "  .... as in, he didn't think the mighty province of Ontario had its own flag. ( If only you could have seen the look of Rob's utter bemusement at this statement... I had to walk away myself, to keep from laughing out loud. ) Gift shops and games aside, Niagara is beautiful. Somehow not as high as I had imagined it, but really something to see. We took the " Journey behind the falls " tour, where  you get to walk through the tunnels behind the falls and pop out at different viewpoints. ( Exhilerating and drenchingly wet!! Thank god they give you plastic raincoats on the way down! )

 After Niagara's adventures, we took our time driving through Niagara on the lake, toured a couple of wineries, ( and may have stocked  up the wine cellar in doing so.. ;)  ) and once again hit the road...

 Toronto and NXNE, here we go!!!!  Tune into the next blog for our musical musings...

 C & R xo

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