Thursday 16 August 2012

On blogging, and Newfoundland

I have discovered, since beginning this travel blog of ours, that several things can make a blog difficult to write. One, is when  your computer battery is running low, with no means at that moment to remedy it, and instead of saving it and finishing it later, you blast through it to beat the battery. The other, is when the place of which  you are attempting to write about is so vast, so alien, you are rendered temporarily speechless, and rather inept at writing about the place in question. ...

Upon reflection of my last post, I felt that I had to write in a few more  details about Newfoundland, as this blog is as much for you to know what we are up to on our  trip, as it is for us to look back on and remember what it was that we did.

But how to put it into words?? As Rob likes to say, Newfoundland is " a rugged beauty. " And to be sure, it is. Giant ocean carved cliffs, low lying , wind swept barrens, stunted little pine trees, looking for all the world like mutated bonsai, only to be discovered that, in fact, some of these trees are indeed over 300 years old....

.. People out in the vast barrens and bogs, hunting for the tart cloudberry, ( also known as bakeapple, ) small vegetable patches on the side of the highway, miles from the nearest town, ( and lovingly tended to by people from miles around in the northern parts of the island, ....)

 Small villages and houses, haphazardly built up among the rocks and cliffs that dominate this island, seeming to sprout up from the ground itself, lakes and ponds, lined with rocks that almost look as though they have been placed by hand, forming a natural frame around the waters edges.

Gusting winds and fog, and if we were there at the right time of year, bergy bits and growlers.

I suppose, in essence, this short blog is more of a feel of Newfoundland, rather than descriptions of more of what we did there, but its really that part of it that I don't want to forget. And now that I have this small blurb committed to memories both mine, and the internets, I feel its safe to continue on the blogging journey.

 Thanks for reading, and continue on, for the marvelous adventure is not over yet. ...

               C & R.

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