Friday 13 July 2012

Canada Day and the debut of Sexy Democratic.

Ah, Canada Day. A  bright sunny day, a sea of red and white, and an evening sky filled with the musical renderings of Mother Mother and fireworks. What better way to spend Canada's birthday?  Halifax, you throw a good party.  While we stayed in Halifax, we were camped out at the Shubie campground in Dartmouth. Close to transit and the five minute ferry across the water to Halifax, it makes it both easy to sightsee, and also lends the oppertunity to make new friends. Thanks to Nadeen, Julie and Tony for sharing in our Canada Day adventures, beers, and lots of laughs!!!, and to Mr. Cat, ( Nadeens awsome pet, ) for being the most chill and laid back camping cat in the world.

Post partying, we decided to give ourselves ( and livers) a rest, and headed off to Nimrod's campsite just outside of Sherbrook villiage. There, we ended up spending the evening with Lynn, Mike, Cori and Jamie, two couples camping with their kids from Antigonish. Needless to say... livers didn't get a break that night, and neither did our laughter. Thanks to you all, for sharing your fire, and for having us witness one of the most spectacular mustard fights of all time!

Post Nimrods... it's off to Taylor Bay provincial park for an afternoon of white sand and clear ocean laziness, before we made our way to Murphy's Bay to partake in mussel boils, community campfires, and catch up on  the weeks adventures with Nadeen and Mr. Cat. ( She was the person who told us about this little jem of a place, and with our campsite on a hill overlooking the ocean, we're very grateful she shared this location with us!!! ) We got to spend two very relaxing , lazy days here before heading back to Halifax for Rob's 15 minute gig.

The gig :   The band got their name, Sexy Democratic, in the same way the band itself was formed. Pull two words out of a hat, put them together, and there, you have  your name. Hence, Sexy Democratic was born. The whole night was high entertainment, and it was amazing to see what some of the bands came up with in the short time they had to jam together. Some good, some bad, all fun. Sexy Democratic practiced for all of 3  hours or so, and came up with three different songs for the nights set. Various and eclectic, it was a challenging mix, with three widly varied musicians, ( both in age and genre, ) but all in all a fun set. Lots of people met, and with parking right out front of the venue, it allowed us a night of free camping. ( Yay! )

From Halifax, we jumped our touring selves around Peggy's cove, Annapolis, ( Digby scallops....oh how I love thee..... ) spent two glorious scallop digesting nights with a beautiful view at Blomidon park, and then tucked in for  a night at the Five Islands provincial park, high on a hilltop, watching the sun go down on another day.

In so few words, how does one describe Nova Scotia?  Busy citys, quaint villages, colorful cottages aside, its the landscape that really blows us away. Maybe its the artist in me coming out here, but from electric green rolling fields, to windswept golden hills, terracotta red cliffs and deep blue ocean, the contrast is amazing. Words fail me here... the color speaks for itself. (As does the seafood..... )

Until the next blog, PEI and all things Anne....

C, R, and Sir. V.

1 comment:

  1. Words did not fail you... my mind went where your words took me. Love your blogs! Keep them coming.
