Monday 23 July 2012

P. E. I and all things Anne...

P.E.I.   Land of potatoes ( pronounced " B-day-does" in some parts of the province, ) and mead. ( Beware the mead... delicious, and dangerous when consumed in large quantities...) " Are  you from away? " they ask,  Yes, we reply, from away... and so our adventure begins.

 P.E.I. is small. A very small, but pretty island, full of farmlands, small towns, and more fantastic beaches than you can shake a stick at. From red sands to golden, its easy to catch some well deserved r & r away from the crowds...

We started our tour with a four day rest at the northern part of the island, at Jaque Cartier provincial park. The red sands there kind of make you feel as though you are visiting Mars...
Caught up on some reading and sleep, and then we made our way down to Stanhope for a two day stint of touristy looking about.

First up, was Charlottetown. A quaint university town, it has just the right amount of hustle and bustle that it keeps one occupied without getting too exhausting. Some really great architecture and beautiful heritage homes and churches, and as always good seafood. From there, we visited Cavendish to pay our respects to Lucy Maud Montgomery at her final resting place in Cavendish cemetary. We decided not to check out Ann of Green Gables village.... a bit too touristy, and we decided it wasn't really worth the price of admission. Instead, we took the time to explore some of the small towns along the coast, and discovering some really great used bookstores along the way.

Our last night spent on P.E.I, was perhaps one of our nicest and most fun. We ended up spending the night in Georgetown with our friend Andrew, who was there with his daughter visiting his family. Beers were shared,we got a great walking and history tour of the town, and finally got a chance to try the infamous P.E.I. mead. Thanks to Andrew, for allowing us to crash in your driveway, showing us a great time in Georgetown, and feeding us some much needed morning coffees.

  Tune in  next time for a taste of Newfoundland,

             Until then, with love, C, R, and Sir. V. 

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