Sunday 9 September 2012

A pictoral post of Saskatchewan and Alberta...

We are burning our way across these provinces quickly in an effort to make it up to the Northwest territories sooner than later... so there is not much to report here, with the exception of two lovely campsites we quite like, and I think they deserve a little attention.

 The first campsite, is Buffalo pound provincial park. A very pleasant surprise in the praries,  I had gotten so used to the flat landscape here, that this park came as a complete surprise! Travelling across the flat wheat filled lands, only to suddenly be driving down a hill into a gorge, where the river twists and turns beside hills and trees....

The second campsite to mention here, is Elk Island national park. Be on the lookout for bison here, they are plentiful, and don't shy away from walking alongside or across the road at any given time. It also has a beautiful  lake and day area, and some of the most amazing sunsets we've seen on this trip so far.

Onward north!!!!

                     C & R.

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