Sunday 9 September 2012

Ottawa, our nations capital!!

Back to Ontario we go!! And this time around, we head first for Ottawa. ...

It's a beautiful city here, as it should be, being the nations capital and all!! Seriously, we arrived here on a very sunny day, which was perfect for setting off the beauty of this city. We made our way to the Parliment buildings to kick off our tour, and they did not dissapoint. Huge, gothic, highly impressive, with large spreading grounds, the architecture of the buildings is lovely.( Makes me think of Scotland...) From there, we meandered our way around the Byward market, perusing the spread of various fruits, vegetables, and handmade jewlery and clothing goods before grabbing a bite of lunch and making our way over to the space and science museum. If you have kids, or are like a kid  yourself, this is a great museum to visit. Lots of interactive displays, and its free after 4pm! :)

 Later in the evening, we found our way to friends of Robs, Colin and Julie, for dinner, samplings of their delicious ( and should be famous , we think! ) home brewed beer, and the amusing antics of their two little girls. Rob even gave an impromptu guitar lesson to the older of the two, much to her delight. Thanks again guys, for great company and conversation!!!

Leaving Ottawa, we head North! ( We are trying not to drive the same roads or ways twice if we can help it on this trip, gives us a good view of each province as a whole. ) So, its off to the Kettle Lakes for an evening of camping and hiking up to the falls there, before making our way to Timmons, ( home of Shania Twain...) , Moonbeam, ( yes, they have a small alien spacecraft at their visitors center, how could you not stop there???) , and off into the wild logging back roads for a couple nights of free camping. ( Blissfully mosquito free this time!!! ) Crown land camping comes in handy when one is travelling through Ontario, we have discovered, as the campsites can be quite expensive. ...

 Off we go again, just a quick trip through Ontario this time, ( quick being a relative term... Ontario is HUGE!!!!! ) as we gradually make our way back towards Manitoba and  Saskatchewan... we are headed towards the Northwest Territories next.... ( Gotta get that sticker!!!! )

Until the next post..... C & R.


  1. What sticker do you want/need? So curious...

    1. Northwest territories, Sarah, and we now have it!
