Friday 21 September 2012

Jasper and the ice fields highway, and back to beautiful B.C.!

Getting closer to home... and currently tucked into the wilds of the Jasper ice field highway. Its gorgeous here... epic , really. Driving down a winding highway with a glacier beside you is really something worth seeing.

 We didn't spend a long time in Jasper, just one night at Whistles campsite, where we had our first wolf sighting on this trip, and had a mellow morning wandering around the town of Jasper itself, coffee's in hand. We did spend one  more night of camping , at Wilcox creek campsite, and had a pretty awsome view of the mountains and their glacier caps that night, along with about 10, 000 ,000 stars.... cold nights, but pretty perfect for watching the universe pass by.

Once past the ice fields, we are on our merry way back to beautiful B.C. ...  with a stop in at Yoho national park for two days of relaxation, hiking up to Takakawa falls, ( Some of the largest falls in Canada reside here. ) , rock slide watching, ( a small one across the river from our campsite, but the noise it made was still quite impressive! ) , and general sun soaking. From there its down to the Fairmont hot springs, where we spent an evening in the resorts hot springs, before trying out the natural hot springs down a trail from the resort. Rather nice to have the spot all to ourselves there, and though not as warm as the resorts springs themselves, they definately had a nicer view.

Off to the Kootneys next, another hotspring dip at Ainsworth hot springs, camping at Garland recreation site, facing fabulous Garland bay, and off to Nelson B.C. for visiting friends, and catching the last summer rays before the frost...

Until the next post...

               C & R.

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