Wednesday 26 September 2012

The Kootenay run, and hot springs testing.

Back to the Kootenays! Bring on the Hot springs!

As I may have mentioned in my  last post, we first began our hot springs adventures, ( addictions may be a better word for it here... ) at the Fairmont hot springs resort. A very nice place indeed, with the resort hot springs pool , and then a path down to a natural hot springs with a nice view  ( the natural hot springs being our favourite of the two choices, though not as hot as the resorts  hot springs pool .. ) Once we managed to drag ourselves out of there, we were off to Cranbrook for a leaky tire change, and then onward to Garland Bay for a night of camping before descending on Nelson for a week of visitation and fun with friends. ( and more hot springs... did I mention we may have become addicted to this habit?... )

Nelson is a very pretty town, lots of artists and musicians reside in the area , so it has a great culture in  that fashion, as well as some pretty excellent coffee.. ( Sidewinders, and Oso Negro coffee... Yummmmmmmm....)  Our week here has been well spent, catching up with friends, musical jamming, ( Rob, ) reading, ( Me ) , lunch dates, walks and naps, and of course, more hot springs!!

We tried out two different hot springs while we were here, the first being Halcien hot springs, ( nice, quiet, pretty views, ) But our all time favourite hands down, is the hot springs at Ainsworth. They have the two hot springs pools, and the requisite cold plunge, but the thing that stole my heart about this place, is the caves....

I think I see now, where the artistic directors for alien movies get their ideas from. The caves are like a natural sauna, the steam from the water rising, the calcium covered rock walls dripping water, and from that water comes the beautiful carved shapes in the white , grey and rust colored stones. In here, you can just lounge and relax in the semi dark, sitting on a stone carved bench in the water, I didn't want to leave..

All in all, our week in Nelson has been relaxing and fun, thanks to Nelson, for as always opening his home to us, to Brenda, for amazing dinner, to Robbie and Beth, for fantastic dinner and drinks, and to everyone, for your brilliant company, conversations and hugs.

Off again and nearing home....

 Until the next blog, C, R, and Sir Vanagon.

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