Friday 18 May 2012

B.C. , You, are Beautiful.

Good Morning from Whitehorse!!! Its been an adventurous few days on the road, tonnes of wildlife, we've counted 18 bears, ( 17 of which we saw in a 2 1/2 hour period! ) elk, moose, a lynx, rabbits, and an unconfirmed sighting  ( unconfirmed because Rob didn't see it... ;)  ) of a porcupine! ( fitting as it was just past porcupine creek. )  We've travellled through sunshine, passed glacier mountains so close you  could reach out and touch them, and travelled through snow flurries and cloud. ( For those of you who know Game of Thrones, we've kind of felt like we're heading for the wall and taking the black! )

  Spent a lovely morning in Smithers B.C, and located and made good use of their leisure center hottub.. ( an excellent way to spend the morning, i might add! ), saw an amazing raging river in Moricetown, spent the night camping at Morchera lake, ( went to bed in flurries, and woke up to 2 inches of snow on the ground!!!! ) , discovered Watson Creek and their post sign forest, and had breakfast at Cathy's restaurant. After which, we started our trek down the Alaska Highway.

 One phrase very common in our van, is WOW......  The only thing we can seem to say as we drive in awe... Truely. We're amazed at just how gorgeous the scenery is .... I mean, I knew we had a beautiful backyard. But until we started this trip, I don't think I had full appreciation of it all. Awe inspiring, jaw droppingly gorgeous. Words fail me....

 Last night , we rolled into Whitehorse, and its  here I sit as I type out this wee blog. Whitehorse is alot bigger than I had imagined... not sure what it was I was expecting, but its a really cool town! Spent the night at a cammpground with a hotsprings pool... ( its a rough life, but somebody's gotta do it!!! ) And today we are going to spend the day meandering about , checking out the local shops and scenery.  We've run into some great people so far on the road, and everyones got some great advice on things to see and do, so I think we'll keep pretty busy!

 Tomorrow, we have decided to head to Dawson City... more adventure awaits! ( and hopefully no more snow.... Really glad we packed warm clothes as well as our summer stuff! Though I imagine when we hit the heat of Toronto, we'll be wishing we were back here!!!! )

     Until the next post... Love, your travelling wild things.

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