Monday 28 May 2012

Welcome to the flat lands!

 Well, thus far, we've hit Mile 0 on the Alaska Highway, ( Dawson Creek.. and yes, Rob sang the themesong from the tv show...)  and from there began our gentle curve into Alberta. Stayed at the Moonshine lake campground our first night, and then hit the road for Edmonton.  Sunny and nice, and one of the best coffee's we've had so far! ( Wild earth bakery and cafe. )  The first night in town we stayed at Elk Lake National park, and slept soundly to the chorus of a million frogs. Refreshed in the morning, we explored west Edmonton mall, lunched with our friend Marcus, ( in town from Calgary! ) Rob had a jam session with some friends, and then we spent the night with our friend Shawn Dymtereko from highschool. :)   From there, we sped through on our way to Vermillion for a quick pit stop for the night, before continuing our travels to Sunny Saskatchewan!!

 I have to say, the praeries are quite amazing... desert like, with smatterings of oasis... its really rather breathtaking. We especially enjoy the fact that you can see for MILES!!! ( Definately have a good idea of what weather is coming your way... )  and have found some rather cool little towns on route. ( Being that we are taking some roads less travelled, we have thus far discovered a cheap campsite in St Walburg, ( right next to a cemetary, my kind of place! )  Visited the giant concrete turtle in Turtleford! , and are now, as I type out this little ditty,  sitting down and caffinating ourselves in Prince Albert.   Heading up to Flin Flon for a day or two... and then we will decend upon Winnipeg Lake to head into Winnipeg for more exploring and visits!!! :)

 Just a short note this time around,

            Greetings and love from the road, Carla, Rob, and Sir Vanagon. xo

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