Wednesday 30 May 2012

Welcome to Manitoba .

( Ahem.... So that last blog post, though short and sweet, was riddled with spelling mistakes. Chalk it up to too much caffeine and a low computer battery.  ( Praeries? Really?  Kinda sounds like Praelines... and the prairies are definately unlike any cookie I have known...  ( wait. are Praelines a cookie? or a cracker... oh hell.. never mind. ... )

 So here we are! Manitoba!!! Had a quick blast through Saskatchewan, ( about four days worth. .. ) stopped in Flin Flon, ( super cute, and bigger than we imagined! ) slept last night at a campsite at Winnipeg beach, ( have you ever seen this lake?? Lake Winnipeg, is HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Felt like we were looking out at the ocean. ) and this morning, we are refreshed and ready to hit the town!!

 So far, Winnipeg is really nice. Cool architecture, open spaces, tonnes of parks! and I have family here, so we plan to do a little visiting while we are in town. :)  We plan to spend about three days here, exploring, touristing...  ( Royal Canadian mint? ... think they'll give us free money?.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmm......)

 In any case, we have remained relatively dust free, and are really enjoying our trip thus far. More photos and blogging to come in the next week or so... Heading to Ontario next... and Toronto for the North by North East festival!!!  :)

       Love from us and the van,  C & R.  xoxo

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