Saturday 12 May 2012

Well kids, its a sunny Saturday morning, and we are spending the last morning before our trip on the couch with a coffee, preparing the first leg of our six month journey. We have decided to head north, slowly hobbling our way to Whitehorse, and then dipping back down into Nelson to visit friends before we head out, meandering our way to Toronto! There. We're organized!!! At least a little. The rest of the trip is still very much afloat. Which really, is kind of nice. Also nice, that we are beginning our trip in SUNSHINE!!!! ( Which will hopefully follow us for the duration of our trip. *fingers crossed! *)  We will be keeping  you all updated here and through facebook as to where our current whereabouts are, and where we will be heading to  next, so if you see us being near, and think  you might like to see us, drop us a line here in the comments box, or find us on facebook and send us a message. We'd love to see you all!!!

So, until the first road post....

                        xo, Carla and Rob.

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