Tuesday 15 May 2012

Greetings from the road!!

Greetings from Prince George!!! Day three into our trip!  And so, amid much fanfare; Cheers, ( ours), Stares, ( various pedestrians, ) and likely a few muttered curses ( from the people stuck behind us going up hills, ) we  embarked on our adventure on a very sunny sunday morning. Things we have discovered so far... Diesel prices are coming down, ( good for us!!! ) and the van is heavy. Think of a grey whale on wheels. ( Good thing we're not in a hurry to get anywhere! ) On that note, something I think both we, and our grey whale on wheels are going to look forwards to, is a long lovely flat stretch of prairies. Long, slow steep inclines , such as the road to Lillooet, are indeed.... long.... and slow..... ( grey whales on wheels prefer that we have discovered. ) The weather so far has been beautiful and hot though! Although there are patches of snow hiding about on the sides of the roads up here still...

 So to catch you all up on where we've been and what we've seen so far, we spent our first nights sleep at the Cinnamon rest stop, about 20 minutes outside of Lillooet. Armed with leftover curry, ( packed lovingly by mom. Thanks mom!!! ) and a few beers at our side, we lounged by a raging creek, made a small fire, ( good mosquito repellent... ) and were in bed by 8 30pm. ( we live on the wild side.. I know. )

Day 2, we thought we would drive up to Barkerville, but sadly it doesn't open till the 18th of May. So instead, we drove up to Wells! ( about 35 km before Barkerville. ) If you haven't been to Wells, or heard of it for that matter, well, you should really check it out. Its tiny, ( 150 people live there year round, which swells to approx 400 in the summer months.) super friendly, and as we discovered, hosts baby showers in the pub before it opens at 5pm. ( Imagine our surprise when we went to have a beer there and found the place overrun by tiny adults... )Had a shower at the campsite and spent the evening with a few locals and got a good feel for the place.  :) Not somewhere I think I would live, ( they had 26 feet of snow last winter!!!!!!! ) but definately well worth looking into for a fun road trip.

 This morning, ( may 15th,) we are up shiney early, and as I type this, Rob is driving up and down all the streets in Prince George checking out the town.  A bit cloudy so far this morning, but we're hopeful it'll burn off and give us another shiney day. We may look for a camp spot near here for this evening, stock up on supplies and have a relaxing night before we head out again tomorrow morning.

... The adventure continues!!! Until the next post...

                     Love, Carla and Rob. ( And the big grey whale. )


  1. Awesome! Your trip already sounds like bunches of fun! Missing my parents though, tons and tons!
    xoxo bee

  2. But its a "Sprinter!?" Be safe in that slugger.


  3. this is great! I cant wait to hear what happens next!
